admin 2021-03-05 4685


1. 为了给园区提供一个安全和舒适的环境,本乐园将于入口处进行安全检查。除婴儿食品外,游客不得携带非本乐园提供的食品、含酒精饮品及罐装或玻璃瓶装饮品入园,也不得携带宠物、无人机、横幅、尺寸超过56cm x 36cm x 23cm的大件行李、易燃、易爆等危险品及国家管制类器械等任何具有攻击性及可构成危险的物品(含小型手推车或任何装有轮轴的运送工具(婴儿车及轮椅除外);

2. 园内为您提供信息咨询、母婴室、物品寄存、迷童看护、手机充电、医疗、失物招领、手推车租赁、充电宝租赁等服务。并设有专用的吸烟区域。因非吸烟区域内吸烟导致的本园或第三方的人身、财产损害,由吸烟的游客承担赔偿责任;

3. 请注意:门票仅限使用一次,出园后再入园需要重新购票。本乐园有权拒绝游客使用丢失票、过期票。使用失窃、复制及伪造的门票,将被移送至公安机关;


5. 园内每项游乐设备均设有安全标示牌及游玩说明。请您在游玩前仔细阅读并遵守。在本园已明确游玩的相关风险予以释明的情况下,因忽略相关告知而造成的人身、财产损失,需要游客自行承担;

6. 本乐园将安全放在首位,部分游乐设备限制存在某种身体状况及身患疾病人士乘坐,请留意园区服务广播提示及设备入口乘坐限制告知;否则,由此所造成的人身、财产损失由该游客自行承担;

7. 根据国家安全法规及安全技术监督部门法令,在恶劣的天气情况、游乐设备故障或基于安全需要、设备检测等无法预先通知或不可抗力因素的情况下,部分游乐设备、表演将暂停。本园不会安排退款或改期安排;


9. 请妥善保管好您随身的贵重物品,游乐设施设置的储物柜仅供临时物品存放,请将现金、手机等贵重物品交亲友保管以免丢失、损坏。并照顾好同行的老人、小孩、以免走失或发生意外;游园结束后,不要忘记取回您寄存的物品,并归还所租赁的物品;

10. 为营造安全、文明游玩环境,请自觉遵守现场工作人员指挥,切勿插队、站位、随意奔跑、追逐打闹、翻越围栏及绿化带、攀登、刻画、涂污或损坏服务设施;禁止燃放烟花爆竹、孔明灯、等不安全及其他妨碍他人等不文明行为;一经发现,本园有权予以警告和制止,如造成损失由当事人承担相应赔偿责任;

11. 未经许可,禁止任何单位或个人在园内进行集会、兜售物品、散发或张贴各种宣传品,以及从事各种经营性的拍摄活动;禁止进行非法经营、迷信活动、赌博、打架斗殴、寻衅滋事、偷窃等违法犯罪行为;如被发现,安保部门及工作人员有权现场制止,并协助公安部门依法处置;

12. 如遇到突发情况,请您就近寻找乐园工作人员,并服从工作人员的指挥;未发现工作人员时如需帮助,请拨打乐园游客服务咨询热线(400-033-0626);

13. 以上游园须知敬请游客朋友们在入园前认真阅读并遵守,游客入园后视为认同以上管理要求,所有内容最终解释权归桂林融创文化旅游开发有限公司所有。预祝您在桂林融创水世界度过美好、开心的一天!


Welcome to Sunac Water Park . We strive to create an exciting and unique experience for you through our fantastic attractions and shows. For your safety and enjoyment, please refer to the following instructions:

1.We work hard to offer a safe and comfortable experience for all of our guests, security check will be performed at the main entrance. The following items may not be brought into the Park:

Inflammable, explosive dangerous or hazardous materials and apparatus prescribed by the government;

Bags, boxes or luggage larger than 56cm x 36cm x 23cm; 

Food, alcoholic beverages and beverages in cans or glass containers (except infant food) ;

Carts or other wheeled carriers (with the exception of strollers and wheelchairs) ; 

Unmanned aerial vehicle and banner;

Pets or other animals (except approved service animals).

2. We provide the following Guest Services: infant care, storage, care for missing children, mobile phone charging, lost & found, first aid, stroller rental, portable charger rental. Please ONLY smoke at the designated areas. Smoking outside of designated areas will lead to damage to our park or other guest and guests who choose to smoke in non-designated areas will be held responsible. 

3. Please note that park admission tickets are non-refundable, and each ticket is for single entry ONLY. If you leave the park, you need to purchase a new ticket for re-entry. This park refuses the use of lost or expired tickets. Use of stolen, copied or counterfeit tickets will be turned over to the police; 

4. Please take care of children and the elderly. For your safety, guests who are eligible for discount and complimentary tickets must be accompanied by a responsible adult who purchases a full-price ticket; 

5. There are rules and regulations posted at entrance of each attraction. Please read the information carefully before enjoying the attraction and respect it throughout. Whereas rules and regulations are clearly stated, guests who fail to abide by these rules will bear the responsibility of any physical harm or loss; 

6. This Park puts safety first. Some attractions restrict guests with certain physical conditions or illnesses. Please pay attention to the park announcements and the Guest Notices at the entrance of each attraction. Guests who fail to abide by these rules will bear the responsibility of any physical harm or loss; 

7. According to relevant safety codes of China, some attractions and shows may need to be temporarily closed without notification for inclement weather, equipment malfunctions, safety requirements, inspections or other unavoidable circumanstances that are unforeseeable. The park will not arrange a refund or rescheduled visit; 

8. In order not to miss our wonderful shows, please note the listed show times. If there is a long queue waiting for an attraction, please wait in line patiently, and follow the instructions of the on-site staff. Attraction closing times will be notified in advance before the end of the business hours, and the queue will be closed to further guests; 

9. Please take care of your personal belongings. Each attraction has storage lockers which are for temporary use only. To avoid loss or damage, please take care of your valuables such as cash and mobile phones and entrust them with a close friend or family member -  do not place them in the lockers.  In addition, please take care of the elderly and children to avoid accidents or loved ones wandering off. Please retrieve any stored items and return all rental items at the end of your visit; 

10. For your safety, please follow our staff's instructions and refrain from acts such as cutting, holding place in line, running around, horseplay, climbing the fence or into the greenery or acts of vandalism or graffiti to park signage and equipment. Fireworks, firecrackers, Chinese lanterns or any flammable items are not permitted in the park. Do not engage in any activities that could be harmful to others, otherwise the park reserves the right to report this to the police and the responsible invidual will be liable for any damages; 

11. Without permission, no company or private gatherings, sales activities, posting or distribution of propaganda, commercial photography services are to be conducted. All forms of illegal business, superstitious activities, fighting, quarrelling, gambling, stealing and other illegal activities in the park are strictly prohibited. Our security staff are empowered to contain those activities with the support of police; 

12. Under emergency situations, please ask our staff for assistance and follow their instructions. If you cannot find a staff member for assistance, call our Guest Service Hotline ( XX ) if necessary; 

13. Please read the above instructions before entering the park and abide by them throughout your stay. All guests accept the terms and conditions upon entering the park. XX Sunac Land reserves all rights of interpretation of the contents. We wish you a wonderful day in XX Sunac Land! 

In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.