admin 2021-03-05 845

1. 进场儿童必须有家长全程看护,并对儿童的行为及安全负责。

2. 儿童身上的硬物、尖物(如:玩具、发卡、饰物等)不可携带至设施上游玩。

3. 请勿携带食物及饮品进入设施内。

4. 本项目不提供储物,贵重物品及鞋子请家长自行保管,遗失或损毁概不负责。

5. 请按照各类活动设施的使用方法游玩并小心使用。

6. 严禁场内攀爬嬉闹、追逐打闹或影响他人的行为。

7. 游玩时不要拥挤、互相谦让、注意安全、滑梯禁止逆行,特别注意磕碰、滑倒等。

8. 参与游客必须神志清醒。

9. 请保持场内环境卫生,严禁吐痰及乱扔垃圾杂物。


1.Please take good care of your children at all times and be responsible for the children's behavior and safety.

2.For your safety , dangerous items which are hard or sharp are not allowed,such as toys, hairpins, accessories, etc.

3.Food and drinks are not allowed.

4.Lockers are not provided. Please take good care of your valuables and shoes, all losses and risks will be undertaken by guests.

5.Please read each attraction's rules and regulation  carefully and follow the introductions. 

6.Please do not take any dangerous acts that are harmful to others, such as ,climbing horse-play or chasing after. 

7.Please be courteous to other guests and do not push in the crowds to avoid collisions and falls, besides that retrograde motion is not allowed on the slides.

8.Please stay in a sober state to ride.

9.Please do not spit or throw garbage.

10.For your safety and good experience, please follow our staff's instructions.


Guests under the following conditions should not ride